
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Creates an array.

Permitted parent elements
Any XCST element whose content model is sequence-constructor
Any literal result element


c:array exists for special purposes. You can build an array from a sequence constructor simply using c:variable. c:array allows you to:

  • Add an array to the result of the containing sequence constructor, avoiding flattening.
  • Build or serialize a JSON array.

You can use c:object to add members to an array, or any other non-void instruction.

Building Arrays

c:array supports two kinds of arrays. By default, it creates an array of object (Object[]) that can hold any kind of values. Or you can create JArray arrays for JSON programming.

Example: Building a JArray
<c:variable name='array' as='JArray'>
         <c:map-entry key='"name"'>John</c:map-entry>

<c:assert test='((JValue)((JObject)array[0])["name"]).Value == "John"'/>

JSON Serialization

If c:array is used when constructing complex or simple content then it serializes directly to JSON. It is typically used toghether with c:map.

Example: JSON output

Use the text output method to serialize JSON.

<c:output method='text'/>

<c:template name='c:initial-template'>
         <c:map-entry key='"name"'>John</c:map-entry>

<!-- Outputs: [{"name":"John"}] -->
Example: Building JSON for an attribute
   <c:attribute name='data-options'>
            <c:map-entry key='"name"'>John</c:map-entry>

<!-- Outputs: <div data-options="[{&quot;name&quot;:&quot;John&quot;}]"/> -->
Example: Building a JSON string
<c:variable name='json'>
            <c:map-entry key='"name"'>John</c:map-entry>

<c:assert test='json is string'/>
<c:assert test='json == "[{\"name\":\"John\"}]"'/>

Error Conditions

It is a compilation error if the required item type of the containing sequence constructor is not one of, or a super class of, Object or JArray.

See Also