Parent controller reference

Imported from the CodePlex archive for reference purposes. Support for MvcCodeRouting has ended.

Commented on

Case: I have a long hierarchy like Admin/Projects/Internal/View/Staff. It's simple to reference root-level controllers with '~', or set of child with '+'. But, I can't simple reference from 'View' or 'Staff' level to frequently used action in 'Internals'-level controller, it's need to use '~Admin.Projects.Internals' because of '..' syntax can't be used both in 'View' ('Internal' are parent) and 'Staff' ('Internals' are grandparent) level.

jQuery has great function named 'closest' -, that go up from current level until find matching element. Use similar logic, we can write simple rule like '<-Internals', and use it in all descendent levels without worry about route errors.

It's not feature request, but my thinks about routing optimization :)

Commented on link
Yes, I've thought about this, but I'm not sure if it's worth the
trouble. You have to make sure all routes don't match in the current
context before testing in a higher context, so you would have to wrap
RouteCollection or something, you cannot implement it in CodeRoute.