Discussions / 285990 Lowercase URL Imported from the CodePlex archive for reference purposes. Support for MvcCodeRouting has ended. Commented on January 12, 2012 Is there a way to specify lowercase route values something similar to http://lowercaseroutesmvc.codeplex.com/? Commented on January 12, 2012 link Yes, like this: routes.MapCodeRoutes( rootController: typeof(Controllers.HomeController), settings: new CodeRoutingSettings { RouteFormatter = (args) => args.OriginalSegment.ToLowerInvariant() } ); You can even use hyphens or underscores: routes.MapCodeRoutes( rootController: typeof(Controllers.HomeController), settings: new CodeRoutingSettings { RouteFormatter = (args) => Regex.Replace(args.OriginalSegment, @"(\B[A-Z])", "-$1").ToLowerInvariant() } ); Commented on January 12, 2012 link Excellent, thanks!