Is there a supported/known way to uses dashes in a Controller?

Imported from the CodePlex archive for reference purposes. Support for MvcCodeRouting has ended.

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There are some tricks to do this when defining routes using routes.MapRoute(), but is there a way to allow hyphenated controller names using MvcCodeRouting?

In other words, I have a controller name "MyController" which then has an action like "MyAction."

I'm able to decorate the action with a CustomRoute attribute so I can get:


...but I'd like:


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There is no support for aliased controller names, because ASP.NET MVC doesn't support it. DefaultControllerFactory requires that the controller value matches the controller class name (suffixed with "Controller"). Action names can be customized with the [ActionName] attribute.

As you already know, you can use the RouteFormatter setting to hyphenate both controller and action segments, but this doesn't change the actual controller and action names.

Can you tell me more about what you are trying to acomplish?

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The idea is here:

Where this "HyphenatedRouteHandler" is essentially re-writing the dashed Controller to a non-dashed version.

When using MapCodeRoutes(), there just isn't a place to use that exact construct, thus my question.

I think RouteFormatter is where I need to be looking but let me know if you have any other thoughts based on the above.

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RouteFormatter is exactly what you need, give it a try.

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Great - so what I'm doing is this:

	rootController: typeof(Controllers.HomeController),
	settings: new CodeRoutingSettings
		UseImplicitIdToken = true,
		RouteFormatter = args =>
			if (args.SegmentType == RouteSegmentType.Controller && args.OriginalSegment.Contains("-"))
				return args.OriginalSegment.Replace("-", String.Empty);
			return args.OriginalSegment;

Basically, if the Controller segment has a dash in it, just remove it. So then if I use a route like this:



...then it should be as if I used:


Right? That doesn't seem to work for me.

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You are doing it the other way around. Use RouteFormatter to change the original controller name, e.g. MyController, to something else, e.g. My-Controller. MvcCodeRouting then takes care of mapping My-Controller back to MyController at runtime.

Try this

      rootController: typeof(Controllers.HomeController),
      settings: new CodeRoutingSettings {
         RouteFormatter = args => {
            if (args.SegmentType == RouteSegmentType.Controller)
               return Regex.Replace(args.OriginalSegment, @"([a-z])([A-Z])", "$1-$2");
            return args.OriginalSegment;
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I thought that might be it! I was wondering how it would be able to generate the routes given the direction I was going.

Thank you - this works perfectly.

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I also completely missed that this is the exact example from the Route Formatting docs page. DUH.

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