Url.Action not working

Imported from the CodePlex archive for reference purposes. Support for MvcCodeRouting has ended.

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In the Suspension List view I have the following code, which is returning an empty href for each a tag. I'm probably missing something simple, so any help will be appreciated.
@Html.PagedListPager(Model, page => Url.Action("List", "Suspension"
 , new { ViewBag.id, page }))
routes.MapRoute(null, "Account/Suspension/List/{id}/{page}"
, new { controller = @"Suspension", action = @"List"
  , page = UrlParameter.Optional }
, new { id = @"0|-?[1-9]\d*", page = @"(0|-?[1-9]\d*)?" }
, new[] { "MdaMessaging.Controllers.Admin.Account" });
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I figured out my problem. If I'm going to use ViewBag then I should remember to set it in the controller.
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It's always a good idea to test with constants to rule out any URL generation issues.