
Returns a value obtained by adding together the values in $arg.


fn:sum($arg as xs:anyAtomicType*) as xs:anyAtomicType
    $arg as xs:anyAtomicType*, 
    $zero as xs:anyAtomicType?
) as xs:anyAtomicType?


This function is deterministic, context-independent, and focus-independent.


Any values of type xs:untypedAtomic in $arg are cast to xs:double. The items in the resulting sequence may be reordered in an arbitrary order. The resulting sequence is referred to below as the converted sequence.

If the converted sequence is empty, then the single-argument form of the function returns the xs:integer value 0; the two-argument form returns the value of the argument $zero.

If the converted sequence contains the value NaN, NaN is returned.

All items in $arg must be numeric or derived from a single base type. In addition, the type must support addition. Duration values must either all be xs:yearMonthDuration values or must all be xs:dayTimeDuration values. For numeric values, the numeric promotion rules defined in Arithmetic operators on numeric values are used to promote all values to a single common type. The sum of a sequence of integers will therefore be an integer, while the sum of a numeric sequence that includes at least one xs:double will be an xs:double.

The result of the function, using the second signature, is the result of the expression:

if (fn:count($c) eq 0) then
else if (fn:count($c) eq 1) then
    $c[1] + fn:sum(subsequence($c, 2))

where $c is the converted sequence.

The result of the function, using the first signature, is the result of the expression: fn:sum($arg, 0).

Error Conditions

A type error is raised [ERRFORG0006] if the input sequence contains items of incompatible types, as described above.


The second argument allows an appropriate value to be defined to represent the sum of an empty sequence. For example, when summing a sequence of durations it would be appropriate to return a zero-length duration of the appropriate type. This argument is necessary because a system that does dynamic typing cannot distinguish "an empty sequence of integers", for example, from "an empty sequence of durations".

If the converted sequence contains exactly one value then that value is returned.


let $d1 := xs:yearMonthDuration("P20Y")
let $d2 := xs:yearMonthDuration("P10M")
let $seq1 := ($d1, $d2)
let $seq3 := (3, 4, 5)

The expression fn:sum(($d1, $d2)) returns xs:yearMonthDuration("P20Y10M").

The expression fn:sum($seq1[. lt xs:yearMonthDuration('P3M')], xs:yearMonthDuration('P0M')) returns xs:yearMonthDuration("P0M").

The expression fn:sum($seq3) returns 12.

The expression fn:sum(()) returns 0.

The expression fn:sum((),()) returns ().

The expression fn:sum((1 to 100)[. lt 0], 0) returns 0.

fn:sum(($d1, 9E1)) raises a type error [ERRFORG0006].

The expression fn:sum(($d1, $d2), "ein Augenblick") returns xs:yearMonthDuration("P20Y10M"). (There is no requirement that the $zero value should be the same type as the items in $arg, or even that it should belong to a type that supports addition.)

The expression fn:sum([1, 2, 3]) returns 6. (Atomizing an array returns the sequence obtained by atomizing its members.)

The expression fn:sum([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) returns 10. (Atomizing an array returns the sequence obtained by atomizing its members.)