Razor vs. XSLT

See XCST for a middle ground between XSLT and Razor.

Razor and XSLT are both excellent tools. The following table compares their strengths and weaknesses, you decide which capabilities are most important for your particular scenario. Feedback is welcome, and I intend to update this table as both languages evolve.

Capability Razor XSLT
Process XML (or normalized HTML) Requires external component like DOM or LINQ to XML, or conversion to objects XPath
Process objects C# or VB Requires conversion to in-memory representation (e.g. DOM), data only, no functions
Modularity File-based. In App_Code, directories map to namespaces, files to classes and helpers to methods. URI-based (XmlResolver extensibility), stylesheets, templates (modes), namespaces (QNames)
Inheritance Layouts, start pages (_PageStart, _ViewStart) xsl:import
Template overriding Abstract sections Template precedence, xsl:next-match in v2, xsl:apply-imports in v1
Dynamic invoke RenderPage/RenderPartial Must import module (some processors have extensions)
Processing styles Pull. ASP.NET MVC has some push support with Html.EditorFor and Html.DisplayFor. Push and pull
Post-process output (multi-step, chaining) Not supported v2 or exsl:node-set in v1
Type system .NET, static and dynamic v1 has 5 data types: String, number, boolean, node-set and result tree fragment.
v2 has sequences and 20+ atomic types. Complex types and PSVI requires schema-awareness (XML Schema).
Function library Everything .NET Limited but extensible
Delegated templates e.g. Func<dynamic, object> b = @<strong>@item</strong>; Template reference technique
Serialization HTML (default encoding). RazorEngine library provides encoding extensibility. XML, HTML, XHTML and text. Indentation and whitespace control. XmlWriter extensibility.
Framework integration ASP.NET MVC: Display and editor templates, data annotations attribute-based validation, URL generation. Not available
Portability .NET and Mono Available in many frameworks, languages, operating systems and browsers

XSLT tools for .NET/Visual Studio

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Tags: asp.net mvc, asp.net web pages, razor, xslt
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