
  name = identifier
  as? = type_name
  value? = expression
  expression? = expression
  auto-initialize? = boolean
  display? = "view-only" | "edit-only" | "hidden" | boolean
  display-name? = string
  description? = string
  short-name? = string
  edit-hint? = string
  order? = integer
  group? = string
  format? = string
  apply-format-in-edit-mode? = boolean
  disable-output-escaping? = boolean
  null-text? = string
  data-type? = "CreditCard" | "Currency" | "Date" | "DateTime" | "Duration" | "EmailAddress" | "Html" | "ImageUrl" | "MultilineText" | "Password" | "PhoneNumber" | "PostalCode" | "Text" | "Time" | "Upload" | "Url"
  template? = string
  required? = boolean
  max-length? = integer
  min-length? = integer
  pattern? = string
  min? = string
  max? = string
  equal-to? = identifier
  serialize? = boolean
  allow-empty-string? = boolean
  text-member? = identifier
  required-message? = string
  min-length-message? = string
  max-length-message? = string
  pattern-message? = string
  range-message? = string
  equal-to-message? = string
  a:file-extensions? = file-extensions
  a:file-max-length? = integer
  a:bind? = boolean
  a:file-extensions-message? = string
  a:file-max-length-message? = string >
  <!-- Content: (c:meta*, c:member*) -->

Defines a type member.

Permitted parent elements


as The type of the member.
auto-initialize Auto-assign an initial value to this member.
expression An expression for computed members.
name The name of the member.
value An initial value for this member.
apply-format-in-edit-mode Specifies if the display format should be used in an edit control for this member.
data-type A more specific type. Using this attribute can be a way to provide default values to the 'format' and 'template' attributes, and for using a specific input type in HTML.
description A description of this member suitable for UI.
disable-output-escaping Specifies if this member should not be escaped when displaying in a UI (e.g. HTML content).
display Specifies if this member should be displayed in a UI.
display-name A name suitable for UI.
edit-hint A hint to the user of what can be entered in a control for this member.
format A formatting string that specifies the display format for the value of this member.
group A name that is used to group members in a UI.
null-text A text that is displayed for this member when the value is null.
order A number that indicates the relative position of this member in a UI.
short-name A shorter name suitable for UI where the display name would be too long to fit (e.g. a table column).
template The name of a template to use when displaying this member in a UI.
text-member The name of the member to use as the text representation for this type.
allow-empty-string Specifies if an empty string is a valid value for this member.
equal-to The name of another member that a valid value for this member should be equal to.
equal-to-message An error message for the equal-to attribute.
max A maximum valid value for this member.
max-length A maximum valid length for this member.
max-length-message An error message for the max-length attribute.
min A minimum valid value for this member.
min-length A minimum valid length for this member.
min-length-message An error message for the min-length attribute.
pattern A regular expression that a valid value for this member must conform to.
pattern-message An error message for the pattern attribute.
range-message An error message for the min and max attributes.
required Specifies if this member is required.
required-message An error message for the required attribute.
a:file-extensions A comma-separated list of valid file extensions for this member.
a:file-extensions-message An error message for the a:file-extensions attribute.
a:file-max-length A maximum valid file length for this member.
a:file-max-length-message An error message for the a:file-max-length attribute.
serialize Specifies if this member should be considered when serializing an instance of the type.
Model Binding
a:bind Specifies if this member should be included or excluded from model binding.

In addition to the attributes in the preceding table, there are a number of standard attributes that may appear on any XCST element.

See Also